Monday, July 13, 2009

Greater Is Later...Just Do You

It was such a lovely day today that I decided to sit by the pool and read. It was probably one of the most relaxing things that I have done with my summer. I felt such peace, and such satisfation within my spirit that, after a while, I stopped reading and just began to basque in the sun, in a sort of meditative state.

I started thinking about God, glorifying how amazing he is for creating such a peaceful, perfect moment in time. Often, we become so distracted by our own flesh that we take for granted all of the natural beauties of this world that are, likewise, God's creation.

Then, as I continued to conjure thoughts about all of the little things about God that we take for granted, He suddenly imparted a revelation upon me in regards to those similar gifts that God has bestowed within each of us. All of us are given spiritual gifts to aid us in the fulfillment of our God-given assignments in this life. However, many of us fail to tap into what it is that God has individually called us to do because we don't nurture the gifts that God gives us.

You may be gifted with an articulate voice, unknowingly blessed with a calling to be a great motivational speaker, or preacher, or politician; however, every time you turn on the TV to catch up on the latest on BET's top 10 list, suddenly you want to be the next Chris Brown.

WE can't just go through life trying to trade our gifts for whatever WE feel might be more fun, or "suitable" in attaining everything that WE want for our lives. It is this same selfish, disloyal attitude towards God... this lack of faith in His vision, which leads to false disciples within the church, shameful politicians, and disturbing contestants on American Idol. Stick to your calling! have faith in what God is doing within your life; and, in due time, through the diligence of your practice, God will present you and your gifts before great people.

In most cases, God will start you off with a small task in order for you to prove your faith and loyalty to His calling. You may be called to be a coach in the NBA. However, God may start you off as a volunteer coach of a youth team at the local YMCA. "Bloom where you are planted!" you must treat your task as a volunteer coach no differently than you would that position within the NBA. Like those toddlers on your youth team, God may see you as an infant in the spiritual form; thus, you must prove yourself loyal to His vision through hard work and humility. You must always keep God first, and never doubt the path that He has charted for your life.

The Devil will try to trick you into believing that there is an easier way, tempting you with promises of money, fame, and other worldly pleasures. But, the Devil is a liar. Remain persistant on God's righteous path. Believe in your dreams at all times, and remain loyal to God's vision for your life. Hold tight to your faith, and stand firm within your prayers. God would not have kept you here in this life if He didn't, still, have something great in store for you.

~ T$ God Bless

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